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  • Writer's pictureesther Ukaria


Updated: Apr 20, 2023

Our minds are at war for various reasons, such as financial concerns, health problems, unfulfilled dreams or heartbreak. The enemy wants to take your mind because it holds the blueprint for God-given thoughts and visions. A warring sense makes it impossible to be productive. Furthermore, a crippled powerhouse hinders planning and transformation of ideas to reality.

Ways to overcome a mind at war

1. Have deep conversations with God

We are all familiar with the story of David in the Bible because he was called a man after God's own heart. Nothing was off-limit for David when it came to sharing with God, including sleeping with a married woman and expressing joy and sorrow.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your understanding. Ask him in all your ways, and he will make your way straight. Conversations with God can provide answers and strategies.

I wanted to buy my own property a few years ago but needed to save money and learn more about the market. After talking with the Lord in my quiet time, he directed me to call someone who walked me through the process.

2. Map out each solution

When God gives you those strategies, don't sleep over them. Write them out, think about the bigger picture, get the tools you need to execute them and follow through until you achieve your goal. In 2016, I was nervous and confused about moving forward in my career as an author. During prayer, I felt God leading me to research online about self-publishing, and I discovered CreateSpace.

3. Get to work

No matter how much we pray and spend time with God, if we don't apply the strategies given during our conversation, we might remain in that state of anxiety and instability. Therefore stop making excuses and get to work.

4. Worship music- an antidote to a weary soul

Music is said to have a therapeutic effect on the human mind.

Looking at the book of Samuel 16: 14-23, we read how David, through his music, brought about temporary relief to sauls' depression and anxiety.

Whenever your mind is at war, play some worship music and experience how your mind goes from worry to joy.

In conclusion, these methods won't guarantee worry-free living, but they will help you stay focused and help you maintain a clear head in those dark times.

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