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  • Writer's pictureesther Ukaria

Building Great Friendship

They say friendships have a limited lifespan, but as an idealist, I disagree. Genuine connections can last a lifetime and bring value to all parties involved.

As I gazed across the street lights, my heart swelled with joy. It had been over fifteen years since I last saw my childhood friend. Memories came flooding back of all the fun times we had spent together as children almost every weekend. We had attended the best birthday parties, binge-watched soaps from Dynasty to Scruples, and even mimed the Back Street Boys songs.

As we walked through the Chinatown market, I shared my darkest moments and biggest wins with her. It felt incredible to have someone to talk to who genuinely cared without expecting anything in return.

Later that evening, I was reminded of the Book of Samuel, which has a remarkable story about the unlikely bond between two friends, David and Jonathan. David was a humble shepherd from Bethlehem, while Jonathan was a prince who grew up in the palace. After David defeated the wicked Philistine, Jonathan saw him as a hero and grew to love him. Despite his Father's plan to kill David, Jonathan protects him and risks defying his own Father for the sake of their friendship.

Some people may read this and dismiss it as mere fairy tales. They might argue that genuine friendship cannot exist in a world full of deceit. However, like you, I am optimistic that in this season of change, God is bringing new things into our lives, and one of those things can be a valid and meaningful friendship. We all need friends who will bring us closer to God and help us find strength during difficult times. We need friends who will encourage us to pursue our God-given dreams and visions, and in turn, we should be willing to do the same for them. But it's important to remember that we must position ourselves to attract good friends into our lives and be a friend who is willing to love without gain.

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2 comentários

Joseph Tim
Joseph Tim
07 de abr.

"Genuine connections can last a lifetime and bring value to all parties involved", yes, truly!

12 de abr.
Respondendo a

That is correct.

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