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  • Writer's pictureesther Ukaria

Is your belief system a problem?

Ken's primary goals were to attain wealth before the age of 45, start a family, preferably with a son, and marry a beautiful woman. His father taught him these were the prerequisites for gaining recognition in society.

Now, at 52, walking through the familiar streets of his childhood to reach his apartment, it's evident that these superficial desires don't define a person, and he realizes that he wasted time following the wrong belief system.

After completing my second degree in Germany in 2015, I aspired to return to the corporate world. However, my enthusiasm was dampened by those who told me that the German corporate system never hires Africans, and even if they did, they would encounter racial prejudice. Therefore, applying for a menial job below my qualifications would keep me in a safe harbour. I worked as a janitor at a theatre company and as a helper at a store until I freed myself from these limitations and changed my mindset from "impossible" to "possible." I took the necessary steps to enter the corporate world and discovered that many like me were working and succeeding in this sector.

We are all having the same thoughts now. If only you knew.

Isaiah 66 verse 1 KJV

The Lord says, "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool."

Many people can't access their full potential and purpose because they are trapped by a limiting belief system that keeps them in the dark and makes breakthroughs seem unattainable. Imagine someone convinced they should never pursue a managerial position because being on the same level as their older siblings wouldn't be right. If they embrace this belief, their potential and exceptional skills will be wasted at a level below their capabilities.

Your life can change instantly if you consciously let go of the belief systems holding you back.

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