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  • Writer's pictureesther Ukaria

No Limit Zone

"When people say you can't do it- that it is impossible- never lose hope. Just because they couldn't do it doesn't mean you can't." David Copperfield

From the moment we are born until the day we die, we are bombarded with negative words and limiting beliefs from those around us, as well as our own circumstances and environments. These messages can be highly damaging and restrict our ability to achieve our goals. For instance, we might hear that we can't pursue a particular career because of our background, or we may be told that we must be better to excel in a specific sport.

Even our own struggles, like dealing with a disability, can be used against us and make us feel like we aren't capable of achieving our goals. It's time to break free from these limiting beliefs and work towards a future where anything is possible.

"Remain optimistic, as a brighter future is certain."

Phillippians 4 verse 13 reassures us of the strength we can possess in Christ to scale through any limitation.

As we venture deeper into the year, I urge us to rise above the barriers and envision your future through God's divine lens, knowing He can provide you with the heavenly insights to surmount any obstacle.

Best wishes,


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