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  • Writer's pictureesther Ukaria

Simple steps to eliminating self-doubt

Imagine sleepless nights on a project, and on the day of submission, your boss says, "Great effort, but I don't think it meets the project requirements." At that moment, you wished the ground would open and swallow you up.

Each day, we face a formidable foe known as self-doubt. It can be sparked by certain situations, thoughts, or individuals, and if we're not cautious, this adversary can imprison us in a state of anxiety, making escape seem impossible.

Good news. This battle can be won

1. To improve how you handle feedback about your work, it's essential to shift your perspective. For instance, if your project is rejected despite your best efforts, it's helpful to take a moment to reflect and ask yourself some questions. What were your expectations for the project? How can you improve your skills and abilities to better execute similar tasks in the future? By asking these questions, you demonstrate your commitment to growth and development and position yourself as the right person for the job.

2. Boost your self-confidence by building relationships with individuals who can expand your intellectual capacity. These connections will inspire you to break free from mundane thinking and strive for greatness.

3. It's easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, but it's important to remember that everyone has struggles and challenges to overcome. Trust your abilities and believe in yourself instead of focusing on what others have or have achieved. Even if you stumble, pick yourself up and keep pushing forward. Embrace your journey and find peace within yourself.

In summary, I cannot guarantee that my suggestions will completely eliminate self-doubt from your life. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that your self-perception can either elevate or hinder you. I encourage you to maintain positive thoughts that propel you towards achieving your goals.

Happy October.

Best wishes,


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